Build Your Brand

Steps to Branding You..

On a scale of 1 to 10 how important do you feel branding
yourself online is?

Ways to brand you..

Start creating videos

Add your photo or some picture that represents you to
everything you are creating online.

Add your name attached to anything you are promoting. and
if you are comfortable add your phone number, skype is a
great way.. email not so much as people can use it to spam

Place value online , such as marketing tips, training , etc

What would set you apart from everyone else? Creating your
own splash pages, your own training, etc..Give away free
stuff to build your list.

Most of you know that people will join people they know,
like and trust.. Have you shown this online or have you
just been pitching business after business..??

So Know- Like- Trust are key..

Reach out to other marketers that have been around for
awhile, introduce yourself but never pitch them..

Stop spamming ! The worst way to brand yourself is to spam
other marketers , a list you have opted in to and then you
turn around and spam them your offers..

More tips coming.