How To Use and Dominate Viral Mailers – Great way to get Free Traffic is from Viral Mailers/Safelist
On this page I have training if you are unfamilar or new to list building with viral mailers..
Hey it’s Diane, hope this training helps, if so shoot me a email..:)
Video Quality Option Tips
What is a Viral Mailer/Safelists
Steps to Joining Viral Mailers
How to Join a Viral Mailer
You can join mailers on this page for free.. always follow the instructions and don’t join too many at once until you get the hang of it..
Join- fill in the a example (this is what it looks like)
Once you hit submit the next step is to
Go to your email address and click the confirmation link
Then Log in to that mailer , you will be offered a one time
offer, take it if it looks good to you..
Next step is sometimes owners give you free
credits if so add the promo code. There will be a box to put the code in.
Next, you will want to go to the mailer and
send out your ads.. If you have enough credits..
If not enough credits , then many mailers have a unclaimed credits on the side earn them right away..
Later you can go to your email address you signed up with and read from there .
Once you have enough credits to mail..
Mail your ad..
So whatever you are offering/ selling/ business opportunity, etc is what you put in
your ad..title, description , and url..
You will want to have some ads created, notepad works great ..
add the credit amount you have to use in the box indicated
and click send.. there will be a verification process
wait till this goes to confirm them click on link..
that is all to it then you are done..
Your ad will go out to the list of this mailer and when someone clicks on your ad and find it interesting they may join..
This video give you a overview of how to send your ads via any mailer. Setup may be slightly different but pretty much are ran the same way..
Make sure and Join my viral mailer.. Mountain High Mailer
How to Organize all those emails in your gmail account? Setting up folders in your gmail account easily..
How to Organize each Viral Mailer Using Google Chrome and Folders
Daily Ritual
If you want more info on Referral Frenzy you can go here.. Referral Frenzy
How to Add banner ads
How to Add text ads
How to Add Your Affiliate ID In Downline Builder
How to Use the Templates Feature
Use this Tool to Mail Your Ads Faster = Plus You Receive Free Credits Each Month- Want More info go here now Referral Frenzy
How to Dominate Viral Mailers Training